Baghdad By The Bay

Golden Gate Bridge Walk
We have a tradition of being tourists in our own back yard. Greg also enjoys taking Michele on adventures she hasn't experienced yet (see Alcatraz, below). Upon our return from Japan in the summer of 2004, we took a long walk on a big bridge.
          [Bridging the Golden Gate]

Michele has lived in the Bay Area for the better part of the last 15 years, and had never been to Alcatraz. Greg did the right thing and kidnapped her on her birthday in 2003 and took her to straight to Cell Block D.
          [The Rock]


Life With The Q's

Pregeriffic Michele!
Follow Michele through her pregnancy! Every day the belly grew, and many days Greg got a photo of her on her way out the door. Nearly forty weeks of cute-ass outfits.

Early Pregerifficness
Fancy Loretta is, among other things, a fantastic photographer. She came over to our place during Michele's second trimester of pregerifficness for a photo shoot. Loretta wanted to help us capture our joy in a unique and artistic manner. Enjoy.
          [American Gothic 2005]

Greg gets to soar in a glider for a morning. The perks of being a fundraising auctioneer are many, but this one ranks way up at the top of the list. John Williams, parent from the ISTP, gives Greg a ride he'll never forget.

Halloween 2004: Acid Cabaret
The Acid Cabaret is the quintessential underground party. A live band, an open mic, a relentless MC, and some of the most talented/brave/death-defying audience members/participants you'll ever see.
          [Acid Cabaret]

Michele had bunion surgery on both feet in September of 2002. Though we had both done a lot of research on the surgery and its end results, no one ever bothered to tell us how badly it would really hurt. If you are considering bunion surgery, you should view this gallery, but may not want to. Warning: Graphic Images.

Halloween 2001
Michele had bunion surgery on both feet in September of 2002. Though we had both done a lot of research on the surgery and its end results, no one ever bothered to tell us how badly it would really hurt. If you are considering bunion surgery, you should view this gallery, but may not want to.

Burning Man Prep 2001
How does one get ready for Burning Man? Start a fire, get yourself some hair dye, take on an art project bigger than you've ever done before, kiss your dog goodbye and have some fun!
          [Strike Anywhere]

Sunset Cruise: July, 2001
This ain't your college dorm's boat party. House on the lower deck, funky eclectic beats upstairs, with views of San Francisco, the Golden Gate Bridge, and the whole Bay Area, it doesn't get better than this.
          [Sunset Cruise]

QooL Luau: July 11, 2001
There's a party called QooL that happens every Wednesday night at 111 Minna.
For a long period of time we were regulars. Sometimes there would be unofficial theme nights. On July 11, 2001, the theme was Luau.
          [QooL, Yo]

Grandmaster Robbie the Robot
Ah, the heady days of the Dot Com Crash©. What would you do if your company was on the way down, but you still wanted to collect that Interweb Salary to the bitter end? We played with our dolls, that's what.
          [Robbie T]

Frenchy Joel's Au Revoir: June, 2001
When Joel, the Frenchy, opted to head back to his motherland he threw one last party with The Frenchies. They set up turntables, and invited Greg to come spin his first ever set out...
          [Gig #1]

GHI and Buh-Bye
Before Carmen left for New Mexico, she threw one final going away party with the GHI crew. Have fun off on your new life Carmencita, we'll miss you!

Happy Fun Family Time

Barry's 40th B-Day
Michele's brother, Barry, turned 40 in March 2005. We've got the pictures to prove it.
          [Happy B-Day B!]

Dylan's 4th Birthday
When our nephew Dylan turned four, we went down to Los Angeles to celebrate.


Random Art Series

We're probably not the only people who use our cameras while driving across the various bridges in the Bay Area. We're probably just the only people who confess to it. Proof that driving and art can mix, just don't notify the CHP.


Contact -- Yaylove is brought to you by the number 5 and the letter Q.

Claimer -- All of these image galleries have been created with JPGallery. Yes, that's an endorsement.



She's Pregeriffic! The One Bridge to Rule Them All Escape...