Ryder Bodhi Quiroga

Ryder V I S I O N
Click here for many videos of Ryder. Updated 5/07 with 30 new videos.

February 2011
Highlights include a school field trip, a carnival in Ukiah and the 100th day of school.

January 2011
A new year, a trip to New Orleans and good times with family and friends.
          [Le bon temps]

December 2010
All the joys of the holiday season.
          [Jingle, jingle]

November 2010
What could be better than a World Series win for the Giants and a trip to Disneyland?

October 2010
Blue Angels, orange pumpkins and a new home for us.

September 2010
In September, we went to the Pixar exhibit and Ryder started a new school.

August 2010
A wild month that included Ryder's robot birthday party, his last day at Miraloma, a trip to Davis, a farewell to a friend and a trip to Santa Cruz.
          [Coffee, please]

July 2010
During July we drove to Sun Valley, ID and Ryder turned 5.
          [Miles & smiles]

June 2010
The month was dominated by Ryder's graduation from Miraloma Co-op.
          [Pass the tissues]

May 2010
Still in progress.

April 2010
April was filled with outdoor adventures to Muir Woods and Elkus Ranch.

March 2010
Highlights include a trip to the Oakland Zoo and a visit to the Academy of Sciences.

February 2010
A micro gallery since I was too busy with the school auction to take photos.

January 2010
The new year brings a new adventure for Ryder and a (very) quick trip to LA.

December 2009
All the usual holiday madness.

November 2009
What do you get when you mix a jail bird, some ice, a Mouse and a turkey?
          [Y? Beause we love u.]

October 2009
A busy month of music, field trips, and all things Halloween.

September 2009
The smallest gallery ever. And Ryder's first t-ball game.
          [Play ball!]

August 2009
August was all about friends, parties and pirates.
          [Yo ho!]

July 2009
Aside from a trip to Pismo, we celebrated Ryder's 4th birthday!
          [Four real]

June 2009
A busy month that includes trips to Denver and San Diego and a visit from Greg's folks.
          [Mile high]

May 2009
This month we went on a perfect trip to Tahoe, and we took Ryder to his first Giants game.
          [Stay blue]

April 2009
A farm-filled month, with trips to Elkus Ranch and Slide Ranch.

March 2009
March memories: masks, mohawk and the Miraloma auction.

February 2009
Trips to Sacramento, Ukiah and a glimpse of life at Miraloma Nursery School.

January 2009
We started the year with a quick trip to Sacramento and just a few photos. And, thankfully, a new president.

December 2008
The end of the year brings the holidays, Ryder's first bike and a trip to LA.

November 2008
November was dominated by a trip to Pismo, the car show and, of course, Thanksgiving.

October 2008
The month brought sand castles, soap box racers, and tons of Halloween madness.
          [Argh, matey!]

September 2008
Highlights include a visit to the Academy of Sciences and Ryder's first day of preschool.
          [School daze]

August 2008
August was filled with lots of local trips, including Sonoma, Fort Bragg and, er, Vallejo.

July 2008
Trips to Pismo and Sun Valley as well as Ryder's third birthday.

June 2008
Highlights for the month include mini-golf, a festival and a parade.
          [Think pink]

May 2008
During May we went to Monterey and LA. Oh, and Michele turned 40.
          [Over the hill & far away]

April 2008
From Vail to pony rides, with a few stops inbetween.

March 2008
A crazy busy month filled with fish, a visit from Ah-mie, golf, trips to Tahoe and Colorado, and lots of snow.

February 2008
Ryder and friends play in Glen Canyon; upstaging Daddy in Ukiah.
          [Testing 1, 2, 3]

January 2008
Exploring the Exploratorium, trains in Tilden, putting at home, and more.

December 2007
'Tis the season for family, friends and reindeer.
          [Happy Chrismaka]

November 2007
From SLO town to the desert, with a few stops along the way.
          [Miles and smiles]

October 2007
As the leaves fall, our pace picks up.

September 2007
Trains in Sonoma, goats at Slide Ranch, grapes in Healdsburg.

August 2007
A reunion, a 100th birthday, family fun and Acrosports.
          [Daze of summer]

July 2007
Pismo Beach was fun, but Ryder's second birthday party was pretty unforgettable.

June 2007
LA to San Diego and a few stops in between.

May 2007
A trip to LA, a day in Tiberon, and monkeying around at the zoo.

April 2007
Ryder sees snow for the first time and takes his first ferry ride.

March 2007
This month was filled with lots of fun and messy adventures.

February 2007
We were fortunate enough to have lots of vistors in our new home.
          [Movin' on up]

It's moving time again, but that didn't stop us from having fun.

December 2006
Highlights for December include the holiday card photo shoot, a couple of reunions, and a trip to Miami.
          [Ho! Ho! Whoa!]

November 2006
Ryder becomes a walker! Also: a trip to LA and our first attempt at a holiday card photo.
          [Walk this way]

October 2006
Horses, fish, pumpkins, and dragons. We love Halloween.

September 2006
We headed off to Sonoma and to LA and started a new gym class.

August 2006
The usual mayhem, parties, and playtime.
          [Blast off!]

Ryder's First Birthday
How better to celebrate than with a party in the park, a trip to the zoo, and visit to the aquarium?

July, 2006: Weeks 49 - 52
Mahalo! Prepare yourself for an impressive number of photos, including a bunch from our trip to Kauai.

June, 2006: Weeks 45 - 48
A fun-filled month of family visiting and visiting family.

May, 2006: Weeks 40 - 44
A busy month with a trip to LA and adventures around home.
          [All aboard!]

April, 2006: Weeks 36 - 39
While it rained outside, Ryder started crawling, swimming, signing, and even saying a few words.

March, 2006: Weeks 32 - 35
March was a swinging good time: swings, sand, signing, standing and splashing about.

February, 2006: Weeks 28 - 31
A whole lot of P in February: Plates, Potties, Portland, and Playtime.
          [P, P, P...]

January, 2006: Weeks 23 - 27
Banner month for Ryder: first haircut, first solid food, first move, first cold.

December, 2005: Weeks 18 - 22
Sitting, playing, and the now-infamous holiday card shoot.

November, 2005: Weeks 16 - 17
The stuffies take over as the holidays approach.
          [Lions & Bunnies & Bears]

November, 2005: Weeks 14 - 15
More proof that our son is the cutest kid to ever walk the face of the earth. Fun with fur, sequins, and bovines.
          [Ivory Soap Ad Shoot]

October, 2005: Weeks 10 - 14
Ryder masters getting his hands in his mouth, and celebrates his first halloween as a pirate & a bear. No, not at the same time, silly.
          [Arrrgghh, Matey]

A Weekend Away
Ryder finds his thumb backstage at the Doobie Brothers while Papa auctions off guitars. Plus: Little D & Ryder meet for the first time, on the outside.
          [Takin' It To The Streets]

Dress Up Time
Ryder's mom loves to dress him up. So does his dad, truth be told. Now that Ryder is smiling and interacting a lot more, he sure is getting a lot of costume changes.
          [Month Two: Out of Hibernation]

Month Two: Portraits & the Park
Ryder just turned 8 weeks old, and we still don't have his birth announcement out. We've been trying to get a photo of him worthy of the shot status. This gallery includes a few of the photos we've taken, and Ryder's first visit to the park.
          [Month Two: Portraits]

Month Two: Ryder Meets His Peeps
And on the third week, the family began to arrive to meet the new babe in town. Overwhelmed with all of it, we got photo- graphic evidence of some of the loving relatives, but not all. We did, however, get many, many pictures of Ryder.
          [Month Two: Peeps]

Week Two: The Many Faces of Ryder
New parents and a digital camera are a dangerous thing. Sooner or later Greg will learn how to edit down a pile of photos. Until then, this batch includes the full range of Ryder's facial expressions, and evidence of his first bath.
          [Week Two]

First Days at Home
Ryder settles into his new home, and we have a ball trying out all of the cute outfits we've been dying to see on him.
          [Ryde On]

Ryder's Ride Home
Everyone who's ever been born in a hospital has one: the tale of the ride home. Like most, this one was slow, and uneventful.
          [Ryde Home]

Early Hospital Days
Our first few days with Ryder were spent in UCSF medical center. Our memories of the time are already fuzzy, as are the pictures.
          [Hospital Daze]

The Birth of Ryder
Born at 11:47 AM on Sunday, July 24, 2005, Ryder Bodhi Quiroga weighed 7 pounds 15.5 ounces and had a full head of hair. These are pictures of his mom's labor, and his birth. These pictures were originally deleted from our camera, we had them recovered, and got them up recently.
          [Welcome, son]


Contact -- Yaylove is brought to you by the number 5 and the letter Q.

Claimer -- All of these image galleries have been created with JPGallery. Yes, that's an endorsement.



Ahhhh, boooooob... Grrrrrraah! Cutest. Thing. Ever.